Articles & Publications

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Sustainable Service Delivery Through Asset Management and Contract Administration

In 2016, the most recent Canadian Infrastructure Report Card (CIRC) was released regarding the health of Canada’s infrastructure, and the results were troubling. In its assessment of Canada’s roads and bridges, public transit, buildings, sport and recreation facilities, stormwater, wastewater and potable water infrastructure, the report concluded that one-third of municipal infrastructure was ranked in fair, poor or very poor condition…

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When FOIPPA Meets Tendering, Bids and the Disgruntled Bidder

Procurement processes can range from the routine purchase of office supplies to the occasional tender for a high value capital project. Along this spectrum, your organization is likely to have its own practices and procedures for conducting the process, such as those for documentation, communication, evaluation, vendor selection and notification. In addition to the legal implications that tendering and contract law may have on your process, such as the duty to be fair, open and transparent in the case of tendering, local government owners must remain mindful of their legal obligations for disclosure and protection of information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA)…

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Dealing with Contaminated Lands: Lessons Learned

Whether a local government is buying, selling or regulating the development of land, environmental issues often play a significant role. Over the last few decades, the identification and allocation of environmental risk has become increasingly detailed and sophisticated, making an understanding of BC’s Environmental Management
Act (EMA) and Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) critical…

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