Expropriation Update
An expropriation primer discussing the broader implications for development post-Annapolis Group Inc. v. Halifax Regional Municipality, 2022 SCC 36, and what this means for expropriation cases.
Expropriation Update
An expropriation primer discussing the broader implications for development post-Annapolis Group Inc. v. Halifax Regional Municipality, 2022 SCC 36, and what this means for expropriation cases.
Adjustments to Taxes – Collectors’ Forum Session
Trees, Unlike Dogs, are all Bark and No Bite
The focus of this presentation is urban trees. In their presentation, Michael Moll and Don Howieson will go over the value of trees in a metropolitan setting and review various tree bylaw provisions designed to protect urban trees. They will also illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of these provisions with reference to decisions made by the courts. Michael and Don will also discuss how tree bylaw investigations may be improved, including with reference to restrictive covenants and development permit areas.
Liability Claims for Ineffective Enforcement – What’s Scary and What’s a Scare Tactic?
Challenging situations create uncertain risks. Complaints to local governments about an unsafe building, a nuisance property, or bad behaviour in a public place often come with a claim that the local government will be liable to pay damages for failing to rectify the situation. It can be difficult for local government staff and elected officials to separate liability risks from the rhetoric. Michael and David will discuss the interplay between regulatory authority and liability exposure in various common scenarios.
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