Speaking Engagements

PLN – Planning Institute of BC Peer Learning Network: Planning & Housing Solutions Workshop, May 9, 2024

Michael Moll will be among the presenters speaking at the Planning Institute of BC Peer Learning Network (PLN) – Planning & Housing Solutions Workshop at the annual BC Land Summit in Nanaimo on May 9, 2024.

Michael Moll Presenter

GFOABC Annual Conference, June 4, 2024

On June 4, 2024, Michael Moll will be joining Doug Stein in presenting the pre-conference workshop on municipal tax sales at this year’s GFOABC annual conference in Kamloops.

Michael Moll Presenter

MIABC Risk Management Conference, April 3, 2024

Pam Jefcoat and Michael Moll will be presenting on “Local Government Subsidiary Corporations: The Liability Perspective” at the 2024 MIABC Risk Management Conference in Vancouver on April 3, 2024.

Pam Jefcoat Michael Moll Presenters

PBLI – Pacific Business & Law Institute, Local Government Webinar, March 1, 2024

Legal Update

Michael Moll and Kai Hsieh will be presenting a legal update at the Pacific Business and Law Institute’s Local Government 2024 virtual conference on March 1, 2024.

Michael Moll Kai Hsieh Presenters

VICA – Vancouver Island Construction Association, 7 Key Differences When Building for Local Government, June 27, 2023

The construction site may look the same, but when a project owner is local government, the legal landscape is quite different. In addition to wearing multiple hats as owner, land use regulator, and building inspector, a local government is also subject to specific obligations regarding fairness, transparency, and decision-making. When a dispute arises, special rules regarding builders liens and limitation periods can also come into play.

This session will cover seven unique aspects of local government building projects and their impact on legal rights and remedies for contractors and subcontractors.

Michael Moll Marcela Ouatu Presenters

LGMA Annual Conference 2023, June 13-15, 2023

The “How” in Affordable Housing 

Pam Jefcoat Michael Moll Presenters

LGMA Annual Conference 2023, June 13-15, 2023

Anatomy of a Municipal Corporation 

Sonia Sahota Presenters

CLEBC Course – Real Estate Development Update 2023, June 8, 2023

Expropriation Update

An expropriation primer discussing the broader implications for development post-Annapolis Group Inc. v. Halifax Regional Municipality, 2022 SCC 36, and what this means for expropriation cases.

Michael Moll Presenter

GFOABC Annual Conference, May 31, 2023

Adjustments to Taxes – Collectors’ Forum Session

Michael Moll Presenter

LIBOA Annual Conference, May 30-June 2, 2023

Trees, Unlike Dogs, are all Bark and No Bite

The focus of this presentation is urban trees. In their presentation, Michael Moll and Don Howieson will go over the value of trees in a metropolitan setting and review various tree bylaw provisions designed to protect urban trees. They will also illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of these provisions with reference to decisions made by the courts. Michael and Don will also discuss how tree bylaw investigations may be improved, including with reference to restrictive covenants and development permit areas.

Michael Moll Presenter